
Judging Her

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I looked at her with her slightly baggy jeans that had given up on life a while back and yet she just kept wearing as if she did not realize that they were barely hanging on. 

Her tummy pooched a little, the pooch of a woman who had gotten pregnant again before quite regaining her former shape after the first baby. The pooch of a woman who now realizes she probably won't ever be quite exactly the same again.

I looked at her hair... Not quite short, not quite long, not quite brown, not quite blonde, not quite straight, not quite curly. It was scooped up in little twists and bobby pinned into submission far from reaching grabbing baby hands. 

I looked at her, like I had looked at so many others like her, and to my surprise, I found that I had no judgment for her this time. I did not mentally criticize her clothing, or her lack of makeup, or her obvious unenthusiasm for sit ups. 

I thought abought the dishes that piled dirty in her sink, and the tupperware and pans piled haphazardly in her cupboards, and felt only kinship, and even pride in her for choosing to play with her kids or kiss her husband or even just be without worrying that for this moment in time, the dishes remained unwashed.

I noticed the toys scattered about the floor, the spilled juice from her toddler's breakfast, her kids state of undress as they were all still in pajamas at this hour of the morning, and I did not feel condemnation. I did not compare her to all the other moms who surely had it all together this morning. I only smiled at her in the knowledge that sometimes... Life is just chaos, and that is just fine.

I thought about how I sometimes disagreed with her choice of sleep training methods, about how I had so many times in the past secretly blamed her children's misbehavior on her inability to stick with cry-it-out for more than two minutes, or her tendency to feed the baby every time she cried in the night because it was just easier and she was so tired. 

I thought about how I had passed quick judgment on the times she used too sharp of a tone of voice in scolding her son, or the times she let things go she really shouldn't have because it was just too much work to correct this time. I had looked down on her for her lack of that holiest of grails of parenting: Consistency.

But this time, to my surprise, I found that the judgments had, somewhere along the way, faded, leaving me with a sense of understanding. A sense of the faultiness and brokenness of all of us. A sense of grace. 

I stood there, contemplating this turn of events, and wondered when I had stopped criticizing her so sharply. 
When I had stopped judging her and all of her fellow women who did not have it all together. 
When I had stopped mentally comparing her to the ideal which we all surely strove for. 
I wondered when I had decided to just let her be. 
To appreciate her.
To smile at her, with no underlying castigation.

I wondered when I had started extending grace to her. 

I wasn't sure. 
I felt perhaps it had to do with a day when I realized that judgment is contagious. 
It does not stay neatly confined to the one I would like to be judging, but spills over until I am judging everything I see.

Perhaps at some point I had come to realize that I could not contain judgment. 
That in allowing it to flow through me to others, I had deal with it flowing back to me. 
That judgment is not picky.
It sticks to everything in its path, washing away the colors of joy and peace and thanksgiving.

At some point, I had started choosing grace instead. 
I had taken the judgmental thoughts, one at a time examining them and choosing to cast them aside like refuse and choosing instead to clothe myself in grace. 
To extend grace to every one I met, adorning them, too, in priceless pearls of acceptance and love that saw their faults and made them beautiful.
 The grace which flows around all of us, pulling us in closer instead of separating and pitting us against each other. 
The grace which forces me to see the humanity of the women around me, how we are all in this together, how I am not above or below any of them.

The same grace which I found myself extending to the one in front of me now. 
I smiled at her, a smile full of grace and joy and knowledge that she is beautiful and loved and an amazing mom and wonderful wife and that the dishes and tummy pooches and spills and baggy jeans just are the trappings of chaotic, joyful life right now, and are made beautiful by grace. 
She smiled the same smile back at me,
And I turned from the mirror to face the next moment of life with grace. 


Parenting RPG

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I have aquired so many incredible, mind-blowing skills in the last two years.
I am amazing at so MANY things, you guys. 
So many.

And yet, the things which I am amazing at, there are no prizes for.
No awards.
No ribbons.
No recognition.
No self-esteem-boosting, compare-myself-to-others way to be the BEST at any of these newly aquired skills of incredibleness.

And so I would like to propose: the Parent RPG Scoring System.

It's perfect, really. 
Power-ups designed to showcase our awesomeness, and prove to the world that we moms and dads are in actual fact super-human. 
To highlight the impossible feats we accomplish on a daily basis. 

What on earth could be involved in such a scoring system, you ask? 
What more is there to parenting than patting a couple little curly heads, kissing a couple dimpled chubby cheeks, and happily cooking up some pancakes in whimsical shapes while humming and kissing our husbands goodbye for work? 

Allow me to enlighten.

Staff Of Memory
+2 child-soothing power

While the rest of the world enthusiastically devotes time to memorizing such character-building passages as Bible verses, The Song of Hiawatha, The Charge of the Light Brigade, and Shakespeare, the memory event in the Parent Olympics would showcase our ability to quotes hours upon end of Dr Seuss, Bernstein Bears, and Veggie Tales. We can sing all the songs from Thomas the Tank Engine, and at least ten verses of Wheels on the Bus. 
Everyday phrases accidentally set off the memorized passages, and all to often we find ourselves mentally twelve pages into One Fish Two Fish with no idea of how we got here or how to escape. 

When you can recite an entire Dr Seuss book from memory enthusiastically and with pizzazz, you have aquired the Staff of Memory. 

Sleeping Baby Ninja Skill
+5 peacefulness (used to combat the forces of chaos)
+2 strength

To aquire this power-up, the parent would start sitting cross-legged on the floor, holding a sleeping baby because this is where we finally both collapsed from exhaustion. For extra points, beginning position is flat on the parent's back with sleeping baby sprawled out over parent's chest. The goal of this activity is to rise from your position on the floor, bringing the sleeping baby with you, moving to the crib, and depositing the sleeping baby in the crib, removing arm supports, and walking out of the room.

This requires smoothness and muscle control, as any jarring movement will wake the baby. The baby must not drastically change postition, and must remain completely supported at all times as you rise from the floor. Any flopping appendage will result in screams from the now-wide-awake baby, and you go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $100. Both hands probably will be required to cradle the sleeping child, leaving you to hoist yourself, and your arms and legs which have fallen asleep, up smoothly using nothing but the power of your mind. 

Your nose will start itching when you have the baby hovering over the crib, but do NOT give in! Speeding the process up too much at this point will wake the baby. Sneezing will also wake the baby.

When the door to the nursery is closed behind you with the sleeping baby deposited in the crib, you may engage in a quiet happy dance. You have aquired the Sleeping Baby Ninja Skill, which you may use in 10 minutes when the baby wakes up again. 

Toddler Robe
+3 patience
+5 agility

Lack of this power-up is why so many toddlers are dressed so often in nothing but a diaper. Putting pants on a small creature who wants nothing to do with said article of clothing is similar to threading a needle in a haystack which is currently being fed to cows. 

We parents are adept at putting pants on someone who is running away. Or hiding under a blanket. Or flopping repeatedly on the floor. Or hitting, kicking, biting, and screaming.
Or at putting a diaper on a tiny creature who seems intent on throwing themselves off of the changing table. Many points penalized if they succeed in their escape mission.  

My daughter has is nifty back-arching-scooting-flopping-twisting trick that effectively removes her bottom from the diaper just as I get it under her, every time. Climbing up on the changing table with them and holding them down with your knees is frowned upon. 

When both children are fully dressed, with all of their appendages in the correct appendage-holes, you receive the Toddler Robe. Use it when you have to start all over at the next diaper change. 

Airplane Spoon
+5 agility
+2 child-soothing power

You would think that self-preservation would work such that the small creatures would eat, wouldn't you? Wrong. Getting food into a baby or toddler is a Herculean feat. 

You must feed a reasonable amount of mush to a tiny person who is simultaneously shaking their head, sticking out their tongue, clenching their teeth (or gums), yelling, screaming, waving their arms, kicking their legs, trying to climb out of their highchair, telling you a story, banging their spoon, fork, plate and cup on the table, smearing mush in their hair, dodging your spoon with the skill of a ninja, spitting the food out, and crying because they are hungry.

The airplane spoon should help. A little. 

Carseat Skill
+2 child-soothing power
+4 agility
+1 strength
+10 patience
+5 creativity

Really, this is just an extention of previous exersises and skills. The idea is that you are able to accomplish daily task with small people who are actively resisting your efforts in infinitely creative ways, with enthusiasm and a seemingly infinite number of limbs. Loudly. 

I would also add powerups that allow you must to do the laundry quickly so that the toddler does not have a chance to sit on the baby, sweep the house with a broom that the toddler is currently using as a stick horse, do the dishes while the toddler uses the spoons to shoot water across the kitchen, cook dinner while holding a squirming, reaching baby and hauling a toddler-barnacle on your leg, and fold the laundry while the baby chews on it and the toddler uses it to build a fort. Also, to make sure you make time and save energy for romance with your spouse! 

What power-ups would you add to the Parent RPG Scoring System? 
Next time you are engaged in these activities, mentally score yourself and congratulate yourself on your incredible super powers! 


Dr Seuss Knew My Son

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That son of mine, that son of mine.
I hear a crash from time to time. 

Look mom, I found this toy so fine!
Oh, do not touch that toy so fine!
Do not touch it, son of mine!

Can I poke it here or there?
You may not poke it here or there.
You may not poke it anywhere.
You may not touch that toy so fine.
You may not touch it, son of mine.

Can I touch it with my nose?
Can I touch it with my toes?
You may not touch it with your nose.
You may not touch it with your toes.
You may not poke it here or there,
You may not poke it anywhere.
You may not touch that toy so fine, 
You may not touch it, son of mine.

Can I touch it with my hand?
Can I hit it with a pan?

Not with your hand.
Not with a pan.
Not with your nose.
Not with your toes.
You may not poke it here or there.
You may not poke it anywhere.
You may not touch that toy so fine,
You may not touch it, son of mine.

Can I? Could I? In five seconds?
Please mommy! Please mommy!
Look, it beckons!

You may not, can not, in five seconds.

You might relent, you will see.
What if I ask you from this tree?

You may not, may not from the tree.
Not in five seconds! Let me be!
You may not touch it with your hand.
You may not hit it with a pan.
You may not touch it with your nose.
You may not touch it with your toes.
You may not poke it here or there.
You may not poke it anywhere.
You may not touch that toy so fine.
You may not touch it, son of mine.

Today! Today! Today! Today! Today,
Can I, may I on THIS day?

Not today! Not from a tree!
Not in five seconds! Let me be!

You may not, can not with your hand.
You can not, may not with a pan.
You MAY NOT touch it with your nose.
You WILL NOT touch it with your toes.
Do not poke it here or there,
Son, do not poke it anywhere.
You may. Not. Touch. That toy so fine.
You may not touch it, son of mine.

Say! In the dark?
Here in the dark?
Can I touch it in the dark?

You may not touch it in the dark.

Mommy, mommy, how it beckons!

You may not touch it, though it beckons.
Not in the dark. Not in five seconds. 
Not today. Not from a tree.
You may not touch it, son, you see.
Not with your hand. Not with a pan.
Not with your nose. Not with your toes.
You may not touch it with here or there.
You may not touch it anywhere.

You may not touch that toy so fine.

You may not touch it, son of mine.

Can I touch it if I'm sad?
You may not touch it of you're sad.

Can I touch it if I'm mad?

You may not, can not if you're mad.
You will not, will not if you're sad.
You may not touch it though it beckons. 
You may not touch it in five seconds.
Not in the dark! Not from a tree!
Not today! You let me be!
You may not touch it with your nose.
You may not touch it with your toes.
You may not touch it with your hand.
You may not hit it with a pan.
You may not poke it here or there.
You may not poke it ANYWHERE!

You may not touch that toy so fine!

You may not touch it, son of mine!

I may not touch it, so you say.
Look away mom! And I may.
Don't look and I may, I say.

Son! If you will let me be,
I'll give you another toy.
You will see.

Here! Please take THIS toy so fine.
Forget the other, son of mine.

But... I don't want THIS toy so fine. 
I do not want it, mommy-mine. 
Cuz I can touch if I'm mad.
And I can touch it if I'm sad. 
It just sits there, doesn't beckon.
I could touch it in five seconds. 
And in the dark. And from a tree.
It's just not as fun, mommy, you see!
Cuz I could touch it with my nose.
And I could touch it with my toes.
And I could touch it with my hand.
And I could hit it with a pan.
I could poke it here or there.
Say, I could poke it ANYWHERE!

It's not an awesome toy so fine.

Well, that's tough luck, oh son of mine.