Well, we have been in PNG a few weeks now.... and people keep asking me what's it like? Do I like it? Have I adjusted?
Well... this blog post can't answer those questions completely, because I'm never quite sure of the answer myself at any given time! But I shall try.
PNG is awesome.... I still am glad that this move took place before I have to leave for university, so that I am getting a chance to be in the place where my parents and brother will live after I leave.
This place is very different from Fiji.... probably more similar to Fiji than to the States, but still, very different. Much of the cultural protocol I grew up with doesn't apply here. The language I learned to stumble through with much sweat and tears is met here with blank looks. The friends which I am used to seeing twice or three times in a week, are suddenly nowhere to be found.
However, I am learning new cultural protocol. I am learning a new language (Tok Pisin is much easier than Fijian, let me tell you!) I am learning to love a new people, and am making new friends. This country will never replace the one that raised me. These friends will never replace the ones that have put up with me through my teens. But I'm coming to accept that perhaps they don't have to. Perhaps.... I don't have to let go of the old country to embrace the new. Perhaps they both can have a place in me. I already have two homes. Maybe it's time to add another.
Over the last few weeks, I have cried... But I have also laughed... so hard that I cried! What a wonderful life God has given me.
I have been keeping pretty busy over the past few weeks... school, of course, in the MK highschool, which I have enjoyed after having been homeschooled all my life. (Of course, I'm still using Sonlight Curriculum, Luke, don't worry.) I have shadowed Uncle Andy several times... if I keep enjoying it as much as I have been, I will simply have to go into the medical field! I have made a trip into Mt. Hagen and to the market... pretty awesome market there. It's a bit bigger than Suva market and Singatoka market; but along those same lines. Only lots more variety. Even strawberries!
Yesterday we had a farewell service for the Sweseys and Thrashers, who have been missionaries to PNG for 10 years (Sweseys) and 20 years (Thrashers). Also present at the farewell was a mumu... the PNG version of a lovo. The food was about the same as is present at a Fijian lovo, with the exeption of the sweet kaukau replacing the dalo. I think I like kaukau better (sorry, Fiji).
Last night we had a movie night over at Uncle Andy and Aunt Judy's house with a bunch of the missionaries. We all took snacks, of course! We watched The Princess Bride, which looks like a sappy movie from the cover, but is actually really funny. And did you know that the title on the cover of the DVD is the same right-side-up and up-side-down? No seriously! Look at it next time you happen to see it. Quite clever, these movie peoples.
Also, this last week was my friend Oliver's birthday. I couldn't post a happy birthday blog ON his birthday, so I'm putting in in here today. Happy Birthday Olli!
Well, that is all I have time for this morning [audience breathes a sigh of relief].
From the ends of the earth,