Below: Malcolm and Abel
Below is The Q, Olli, me, and Leah ...ehh, for those of you who don't know, Leah is this awesome friend of mine from youth; she's lived in Spain so we speak Spanish to each other just to frustrate Q and Olli ;)
Me and Priteeka, Malcolm's wife.
And yes, I am going to post just a couple more pictures from youth... come on you guys, I have to,-- I just love my youth group!
Anyway, we had a great service... I guess I won't be back at Vital Connection for a while anyway... but I would love to go back whenever we come back back to visit Fiji. God is really using that group of teens.
As always, more photos at my picasa album, and also there's some on Olli's.
Sounds like you had fun, I'm sure you'll get to hear from all of them a lot!