We have been having fun though... shall I show you each of the four countries? Yes? Ok, here goes.
First up, Papua New Guinea, which affords some great airplane-window shots.
Sorry, that's the only picture you get of PNG... for now. I'll take you on a picture tour of Kudjip later.... when I get back up there with a working camera. May I remind you that my camera batteries have been dead for the past couple months? I got new batteries in Australia... which is the next country on my list. We spent a couple days there, but the highlight was, of course, Krispy Kreme donuts in Sydney! (the only place in this part of the world with Krispy Kreme donuts)

(Dad has a Krispy Kreme donut in his hand there, in case you were wondering what that picture had to do with what I was talking about)
From Australia, we went on to Port Vila, Vanuatu to spend a few days with Uncle David and Aunt Sylvia Potter. Also, Aunt Becky Morsch arrived there to spend the same few days (plus a few more afterward). The few days were packed with hard work...
aside from the work the adults were doing, Quinton mowed the entire lawn (that lawn is pretty huge!), and I found a school book and read 377 pages of it. *takes a bow*
Here's some pictures from Vanuatu... I'm sure that you will feel very sorry for us... having to work in such a place...

Yes, very sad, I know. Forced to live and work in such places. .... :)
Finally, country number four... FIJI!!!! Back... uh... home.... from... home.... ehhh, forget it. I have so many homes I can't be bothered with trying to call the right one "home" at any given time. As a matter of fact, I believe I have a right to call most of the airports in our part of the world "home"... I mean, how long do you have to stay in a place before you can say you lived there? I have definitely lived in Brisbane airport. Two coffee shops there to alternate between. Internet kiosks in between them. But not free internet... Free internet is in Sydney airport. But then again, Brisbane has better food in the International Departure Lounge....
Where was I? Oh right, Fiji. We got into Fiji and hit the ground running. Hopefully we can get a bunch of this piled-up work done before it's time to fly out to the next country. Oh, did you want a picture of Fiji?
Sorry, you got one of my brother instead. ...
Annnd breakfast is ready so I must sign off for now.
Coming up next is my wonderful series of photos titled "My Home"... including beautiful photos of Brisbane Airport, Air Pacific airplane seats, in-flight magazines...... ahh, good memories.