Of course, while waiting on the dock for our boat, the guys started tossing the football around...
Come on, you know what happens next....
Football goes swimming. It was recovered, by the way.
We got some good pictures of our wonderful leaders, who made this a life-changing week.
And yes, of course they were a bit crazy....
On the boat ride back, some other iPods' batteries died... so mine was drafted, of course, because I have awesome music....
The ferry ride back...
We arrived back in Singapore late afternoon, and quickly cleaned up and took the MRT (hm, does that stand for Mass Rail Transport?) to the New Years Eve party at Uncle Verne and Aunt Natalie Ward's apartment that night.
Ok, so what do YOU think a party will be like when you deprive teens of sleep for a week, feed them caffeine and chocolate, and then keep them up until one o' clock?
below, from left: Maria, Brenna, me
yeah, it was fun... and crazy... I think the four of us playing Rook were laughing so hard we were crying. We also looked at pictures from the last week.
We took the MRT back to the Rigsby's apartment just before they shut down for the night. (The MRTs, that is. The two younger Rigsby siblings had shut down for the night long ago.) We planned to meet up the next day with the other kids whose planes didn't fly out until late the next night.... now, we had no idea what we were gonna DO all day, but that never stops us.
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