Dear Friends,
Well, we have now been at LifeChange Camp for four months! Crazy, isn’t it, how time flies? We continue to be astonished every day at God’s incredible leading, bringing us here to a place so perfect for our family. It is a real joy to work alongside the team we have here, and to invest our time and energy into the people we minister to.
This last month, we had a group of 80 ladies come for a retreat weekend, on the most beautiful, warm weekend: it was in the 70s! The ladies had small group times around the lake in the sunshine… when we walked by, we got to see so many women worshipping God, praying, and enjoying the lake and the sun and the birds. There was even a turtle sitting beside the lake -- he must have thought spring was already here! The women loved it here -- they all commented on the good food and clean cabins. I guess that means we have done our job!
Lula and Morgan had a shared birthday party the last weekend of February, and Morgan’s family came up to celebrate. It was so warm, again, that we broke out the kayaks! Not bad for February!
Morgan is currently working on developing a couple of low ropes challenge course elements to introduce this summer, as well as setting up rappelling down one of our ravines here on camp. He is so excited to be using his talent and passion in this area!
Danielle is working in the office, learning the ropes of the website, and doing graphic design of posters and a new brochure for the camp. Follow LifeChange Camp on facebook to see her posters! … Oh, and also to keep updated on our daily camp life, we guess.
For you, our prayer and financial partners, we are eternally grateful. We see the hand of God in our daily lives, interactions with others, health for our family, and wisdom in day-to-day decisions, and we know that your prayers are a huge part of that.
We are continuing to pray and search together with Bill and Carol, our camp directors, for the best housing location for our family, whether it be a new house on-camp or a piece of land close by. The goal is to complete that housing project with no debt to LifeChange, so please continue to pray with us for wisdom in that decision, as well as the funding to do so. We hope to make the move by the end of this year.
Please also pray with us as we here at camp search for the summer staff to be a part of our team this summer. We are still looking for a few more counselors for all the campers who will begin coming through our doors in only three months! We have a couple of recruiting trips still ahead of us, so please be in prayer with us for God’s best plan for the members of our summer team.
Financially, God continues to amaze us. Every month thus far, we have received exactly $500 in support -- the exact amount we need! We are now at $175/month in “recurring” donations -- it was reported to us that due to a glitch on paypal, some “recurring” donations were only processed as “one-time” donations, so if you believe you set up a recurring donation, you might check to make sure it is still coming out of your account and didn’t just come out one time. If you want to parter with us financially, you can do so at http://www.lifechangecamp.org/get-involved/giving, tagging your donation for Morgan and Danielle Stephenson.
Remember, there is plenty of opportunity here for volunteers in the kitchen, housekeeping, maintenance, or just space in our RV/ tent campground, so feel free to come see us! We would love to serve you dinner.
Serving Him with you,
Morgan, Danielle, Theron, and Lula Stephenson