Just wait a few paragraphs, and I'll explain the title. We probably need a little background first.
Background Fact 1: Our family has moved to Papua New Guinea.
Background Fact 2: We are currently living on the mission station at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital.
Background Fact 3: This is near Mt. Hagen, in case you want to pull out your map of PNG. (you do have a map of PNG, don't you?)
Background Fact 4: It's really cold here. ... That is totally irrelevant, but I thought you might like to know.
Background Fact 5: I am quite interested in the medical field, trying to decide whether to go into it myself and if I do, what to go into it AS. So, living here is a dream-come-true for me.
NOW we get to the title.
Uncle Andy Bennett (that's a link to his blog, which is awesome, go check it out, that's an order) gave us a tour of the hospital soon after we got here. At the end he mentioned that if we wanted to "shadow" a doctor we were welcome to... we could follow them around all day as they did rounds and saw patients. Thinks I to myself, omgosh, I would love to do that.
Sooo, yesterday I shadowed Uncle Andy. I had an awesome time! I didn't get queasy all day, which, if I'm going into medicine, is a good thing. Now, Mum and Dad got queasy when I was telling them about my day........
I'm trying now to figure out what is the minimum amount of days I can squeeze the last of my school classes into so that I can spend the most amount of days at the hospital. I think Uncle Andy may be stuck with a new shadow.
Ehm, small clarification here, .... that is not to be construed as meaning that I don't like the MK highschool, I love it, and Katie (the teacher) is awesome.
Now, I would love to post pictures of our house, and the hospital, and all that, but I am prevented because my camera batteries decided to die, and my camera decided not to like the new batteries that I have. It wants different ones. I tried to reason with it, and tell it that it didn't need fancy special batteries EVERY SINGLE time; it could compromise and take next-level-down batteries once in a while, couldn't it? But it would not listen, and held firmly to it's attitude, which is really selfish of it. So. Until such time as I can get the batteries that my camera wants, I guess there shall be no pictures. Sorry, people. Blame my camera, not me. I tried.
And now this First Blog Post from Papua New Guinea shall come to an end....
I love it here, I think God has blessed our family greatly by calling us here, and I'm so glad that we came before I leave for university.
I do, of course, miss Fiji... after all, it was my home for 8 and a half years, since I was 9.
I miss my friends terribly; but have only cried about that once.
But God knows what He is doing, and I do love the place He has brought me to for this time in my life, and the people He is allowing me to get to know. I'm so glad He is in control of my life!.... He seems to be doing a pretty good job.
Love from the ends of the earth,